complete electronic text of an article is called the full text.
Some databases, like Project MUSE provide entire articles online
for ALL its citations,
while others such as EBSCOhost and the ProQuest
Diversity Databases provide entire articles online to most
but NOT all of their citations. You
will know full text is available when you see listed below the
citation, HTML Full Text (the text is on a web page) and/or PDF
Full Text (the text is an image of the original pages of the
periodical, itself).
if there are pictures or graphs with the article that you want
to see?
find pictures originally published with the article, if the
article is in PDF format, the pictures will be embedded in the
article itself. If the article is in HTML format, the
picture may not be available due to copyright restrictions (such
as in National Geographic, Time and Newsweek magazines).
You will then
need to get the print copy from the library. |