Flex Day - April 30, 2013
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Chabot College Faculty
announcements ANNOUNCEMENTS


Flex Day: April 30, 2013

Bottleneck Data

Detailed number of students declared in each major in Fall 2012

Courses that are consistent bottlenecks for students
While many disciplines have a single course bottleneck, these are courses that present a bottleneck to large numbers of students every semester.

CEMC presentation - method for determining, list of courses, possible causes
Success & repeat rates in bottleneck courses


Comparison of how full Spring 2013 classes are on December 13, 2012 (last day of fall term) and on January 17, 2013 (Thursday before classes started).  The charts are divided by:

  • Division & Rubric
  • Division & Major
  • CSU General Education Area

Colors are indicative of how full the sections of that course are on that date:

  • red = all waitlists are full
  • pink = all sections have a waitlist, some of which are full
  • yellow = all sections have a waitlist that still has seats on it
  • green = some sections have a waitlist, some have open seats
  • blue = all sections have open seats

Business & Applied Technology:  by rubric,  by major

Health, PE, & Athletics:  by rubric,  by major

Language Arts:  by rubric,  by major


School of the Arts:  by rubric,  by major

Science & Mathematics:  by rubric,  by major

Social Sciences:  by rubric, by major

CSU GE Areas

These documents are the detail, class by class, that was used to generate the pie charts.  Colors are indicative of how full the sections of that course are on that date:

Spring 2013, entire campus divided by major:  on January 17, 2013,  on December 12, 2012


Which Spring 2013 classes have open seats two weeks after the semester started?  Blue = more than 5 open seats in that section.  Green = 1-4 open seats in that section.

Spring 2013 open seats on 1/31/2013


Comparison of the number of students who can be served by each of the CSU general education areas.  (Note - Area E does not include seats available in PHED courses that are less than three units. Only two activity units are transferrable, so a three unit course would still be needed.)

CSU GE annual offerings - based on Spring 2012-Fall 2012 schedule

Spring 2013 CSU GE summary - seats offered, seats still open, closed/waitlisted sections


Which courses fill the fastest?  Which courses have waitlists that fill?  This chart looks at the date that the waitlist for the last section of a course was opened as well as the date that the waitlist for the last section of a course filled (so students could no longer register for that course, without being really lucky).  Courses that fill rapidly, particularly those that are required by large numbers of students, are most likely to be causing swirling.

Spring 2012

Fall 2012

Spring 2013

"Pie in the Sky" schedule
This isn't saying what you should do, but it may help you get started in identifying all the courses needed for transfer, associates, and certificate majors in your area.  You can also flip through all the divisions and see which majors outside of your area require your courses.  Please seen the "pie in the sky schedule construction" document for an explanation of methods and caveats.

How the pie-in-the-sky was constructed (and how it got that name)

Courses needed in each division based on declared majors

IGETC courses by time of day scheduled
7:00-8:59 a.m. = 5%
9:00-11:59 a.m. = 39%
12:00-1:59 p.m. = 13%
2:00-4:59 p.m. = 7%
5:00-10:00 p.m. = 19%
Fridays = 1%
Saturdays = 2%
Online/Hybrid = 13%

Students whose educational goal is professional development (skill builders) or personal development  =  What courses do they take?

Skill builder enrollment
Personal development enrollment


Supply and Demand for Developmental Math & English
Beginning in Fall 2014 all students will be required to complete the full matriculation process - assessment, orientation, advising. Combine this with the data that show students are more successful in nearly all of their courses if they have at least started their developmental courses, how many seats would be needed in English (102/101A/101B) and Math (103/104/55/65) to accommodate all students who need these classes?

Supply and demand for developmental English & Math courses

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