Self Study for Reaffirmation of Accreditation - April 2009

March 26, 2009

To: College Community

From: Accreditation Study Steering Committee:

  • Jim Matthews, Self Study Co-chair
  • Chad Mark Glen, Self Study Co-chair
  • George Railey, Accreditation Liaison Officer
  • Melinda Matsuda, V.P., Student Services
  • Celia Barberena, President

 As you know, over the past year, we have been on a marathon run towards the completion of the self-study, written in preparation for the Accreditation Team visit to take place in October, 2009. We are almost at the end of this race.

The most important parts of the self study are the "Responses to Prior Recommendations" and how we meet the four standards as follows:

Standard I describes how the college develops its mission, how we maintain and ongoing dialogue about improving student learning and how we plan and allocate resources based on our plans for improvement.

Standard II describes our instructional programs, support services and library services and how we evaluate them to improve learning.

Standard III describes how we employ qualified personnel to support student learning; how we develop facilities, equipment and assets that support learning; how we assure that technology supports the learning needs of our students, college-wide communication and operations; how we provide for sufficient financial resources to support learning and improvements according to our plans.

Standard IV describes how we lead throughout the organization so that continuous improvement occurs.

Standards I and II are now available for you from our web site. Standards III and IV will be made available to you, also from our website on April 9th. We hope this gives you plenty of time to read all of it or passages that may be of most interest to you so that you can provide your input into the final draft.

You can provide input through your respective senates, i.e. Academic Senate, Classified Senate, Student Senate by April 23rd, or by attending two campus forums, one held on April 22nd in Room 1232 at 2:00 p.m. and one held on April 23rd at noon in the Little Theater.

We look forward to your questions and input through your respective Senates or at the forums.