Available Classes in Arts, Media and Communication
All Subjects
COMM 70A: Introduction to Communication Tutor Training
Description: An introduction to tutor training for the Communication Laboratory. Through lecture and hands-on tutoring experience students will demonstrate lab procedure, tutor strategies, and knowledge of basic components of public speaking.
CRN: 30533 SECTION: 1 DAYS & TIMES: T 12:00pm-12:50pm To Be Arranged -
LOCATION: C800 803 START & END DATES: 01/21/2025 - 05/30/2025
DIGM 16: Interactive Web Design
Description: Students use various software technologies to create media-rich websites. Websites are built using HTML and CSS. Students use multimedia software programs to include vector graphics, photographs, fonts, and video and motion graphics. Website design aesthetics and usability are emphasized as a core component of building websites.
CRN: 32797 SECTION: 71 DAYS & TIMES: To Be Arranged - TTh 04:30pm-05:40pm To Be Arranged -
LOCATION: CTBA ONLINE START & END DATES: 01/21/2025 - 05/30/2025
ID 51: Digital Drafting Principles I
Description: Introduction to vocabulary, tools, and graphic techniques for interior designers, communication utilizing computer aid methods, with emphasis on residential interior design drawings including cover sheet, floor plans, finish plans, electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing plans.
CRN: 31415 SECTION: EN1 DAYS & TIMES: To Be Arranged - To Be Arranged -
LOCATION: CTBA ONLINE START & END DATES: 02/03/2025 - 05/23/2025
ID 56: Professional Practices
Description: Interior design practices including business and marketing aspects, wholesale resource development, design presentation and career preparation, contractual obligations.
CRN: 31910 SECTION: EN1 DAYS & TIMES: To Be Arranged -
LOCATION: CTBA ONLINE START & END DATES: 02/03/2025 - 05/23/2025
ID 72: Commercial Interior Design
Description: Introduction to the field of commercial design. Emphasis on the design of interior spaces such as offices, restaurants and hotels. Lessons are given in space planning, interior specifications and furniture planning, as well as programming and code requirements.
CRN: 31073 SECTION: EN1 DAYS & TIMES: To Be Arranged -
LOCATION: CTBA ONLINE START & END DATES: 02/03/2025 - 05/23/2025
MCOM 42: Writing for Broadcasting
Description: Techniques of writing for radio, television, film and electronic media; script writing in proper formats, including fundamental technical, conceptual and stylistic issues related to writing fiction and non-fiction scripts for informational and entertainment purposes. Includes a writing evaluation component as a significant part of the course requirement.
CRN: 31938 SECTION: ON1 DAYS & TIMES: To Be Arranged - To Be Arranged -
LOCATION: CTBA ONLINE START & END DATES: 01/21/2025 - 05/30/2025
MCOM 43: Advertising Sales & Media Management
Description: Introduction to media advertising sales, including research, sales presentation, and airing of the commercial campaign. Media managerial objectives and procedures, including leadership, motivation, dealing with personnel and operations problems; and managing departments within media organizations.
CRN: 31939 SECTION: ON1 DAYS & TIMES: To Be Arranged - To Be Arranged -
LOCATION: CTBA ONLINE START & END DATES: 01/21/2025 - 05/30/2025
MUSA 21B: Piano II
Description: Development of skills in piano performance, notation, literature. Emphasis on further development of technique and performance.
CRN: 30002 SECTION: 1 DAYS & TIMES: MW 12:00pm-12:50pm To Be Arranged -
LOCATION: C1200 1223 START & END DATES: 01/21/2025 - 05/30/2025
MUSL 1: Introduction to Music
Description: In this course significant works of human imagination and intellect are studied as students encounter a wide range of music from the Medieval period to American music of the 20th and 21st century, including American jazz. This course is designed to enable students to understand music as an art form within its historical context, primarily in Western Europe and the United States. Students will approach music as a form of expression that reflects personal creativity as well as social, political, religious, and cultural change. Further study includes the relationship of music to other forms of human expression, including art, architecture, philosophy, religion, and politics. Students will experience music through recordings, online video performances, and attendance at three concerts outside of the classroom.
CRN: 30956 SECTION: EN4 DAYS & TIMES: To Be Arranged - To Be Arranged -
LOCATION: CTBA ONLINE START & END DATES: 03/17/2025 - 05/16/2025
MUSL 3: World Music
Description: This course presents a survey of world music and introduces the field of ethnomusicology. The cultural contributions and influences of music and traditions in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Indonesia, India, Latin America, and Native America are emphasized. Historical, cultural, philosophical and social conditions in which music exists, its relationship to cultural continuity and/or change, as well as the artistic conditions in which musics and cultures develop are explored through three primary lenses: sound, concept, and behavior. Attendance at world music concerts is required.
CRN: 30455 SECTION: EN2 DAYS & TIMES: To Be Arranged -
LOCATION: CTBA ONLINE START & END DATES: 03/17/2025 - 05/16/2025
THTR 10: Introduction to Theater Arts
Description: Focuses on the relationship of theater to various cultures throughout history, and on the contributions of significant individual artists. Introduces students to elements of the production process including playwriting, acting, directing, design, and criticism. Students will also survey different periods, styles and genres of theater through play reading, discussion, films, and viewing and critiquing live theater, including required attendance at theater productions.
CRN: 31298 SECTION: EN1 DAYS & TIMES: To Be Arranged -
LOCATION: CTBA ONLINE START & END DATES: 03/17/2025 - 05/16/2025
THTR 14: American Cultures in Theater
Description: The history, representation and contributions of various ethnic groups in American theater and the study of theater as an instrument for expressing and understanding cultural identity. The focus will be on at least three of the following cultural groups: African Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, Latin Americans and Native Americans.
CRN: 32654 SECTION: EN1 DAYS & TIMES: To Be Arranged -
LOCATION: CTBA ONLINE START & END DATES: 03/17/2025 - 05/16/2025