COVID Vaccination Exemption Accommodation

How to Request a Vaccination Accommodation

Students may request a COVID-19 Vaccination Exemption as defined in federal or state laws and regulations based on the following: 1) for a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance that conflicts with the District’s requirement that such students receive a COVID-19 vaccination; or 2) for a medical reason due to a condition for which receiving an approved vaccine presents a significant risk of a serious adverse reaction.

Religious Accommodation

The Religious Accommodation Form can be filed if a student is requesting religious accommodation for a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance that conflicts with the District’s requirement that such students receive a COVID-19 vaccination. In some cases, the District will need to obtain documentation or other authority in support of an accommodation request. This may include documentation from a religious or spiritual leader.

Please return the completed Religious Accommodation Form by either:

Medical Accommodation

The Medical Accommodation Form can be filed if a student has a legitimate medical reason due to a medical (including mental health) condition for which receiving an approved vaccine presents a significant risk of a serious adverse reaction. The request must include verification from the student’s medical provider as specified in the form.

The District will consider requests for exemptions on an individual basis. Exemptions will not be approved based on a purely personal preference to not take the COVID-19 vaccine. Opposition to the COVID-19 vaccine due to medical beliefs does not constitute a conflict with the vaccination requirement based on a sincerely held religious belief.

Students must complete the Exemption Form in full. Exemptions will be considered on an individual basis. The District will rely on the information submitted to manage the health and safety of the District’s students and community. The District is not required to provide an exemption accommodation if doing so would pose a direct threat to the student or others in the District community or would create an undue hardship for the District.

Please return the completed Medical Accommodation Form by :