Academic Questions

2018-2021 PAR Cycle

1. Please review your CLO/PLO data. Based on that review, what are your top 2-3 priorities for improving student learning?

RESOURCES: CLO/PLO Data in Curricunet

2. Imagine yourself as a student trying to complete an academic program in your discipline. What are that student’s key obstacles to completion? How would they move through your program? What can you or others do to increase the probability that they will successfully complete?

RESOURCES: Strategic Plan Goal, Student Milestones Framework and Objectives, and Narrative

3. Now, imagine yourself as a part-time student trying to complete an academic program in your discipline. What additional challenges do they face, and what can you or others do to increase the probability that they will successfully complete?
4. Please refer to your equity data by race-ethnicity and gender. Our students do not succeed, persist or complete “equally”. If we set aside the notion that our students have deficiencies that we cannot remedy, what shifts in course delivery, pedagogy, support or interventions could make a difference in your disciplines and programs?
5. Reflecting upon your data or previous program reviews, what work in your discipline are you most proud of, and what problem(s) remain a major challenge for you?
6. Please review the Strategic Plan Goal, the Student Milestones Framework and Objectives, and Narrative. How will your discipline contribute to achievement of those priority initiatives and the overall goal in the next 3 years?
7. What infrastructure or college-wide issues continue to present challenges to your students successfully achieving their goals?
8. Reflecting on your answers to questions 1-7, what are your top goals (no more than 5) for the next three years? And, what is your general plan for achieving them?
9. What are your facilities needs (different, new, augmented)? Why is your old facility inadequate (old, dated, safety, size, #s of student served, etc)? Support and/or connect your facilities needs to students (enrollment, completion, sections offered, sections needed, new technology, etc.).