Automotive Technology Courses
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. For additional information, contact the academic department, speak with counseling or refer to the current Class Schedule and College Catalog.
ATEC 1 - Automotive Engines
( 4.00 - Units )
Automotive engine fundamentals including; configurations and designs, operation, diagnostic tests; disassembly, inspection, thread repair, broken bolt removal, precision measurement, assembly, timing chains and belts, valve adjustments, cooling systems, introduction to engine machining, proper use of shop related tools and equipment, and safety practices.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Demonstrate proper use of an outside micrometer to measure valve stem wear.
- Demonstrate proper use of a straight edge to measure cylinder head for warpage.
- Demonstrate the proper steps for performing a timing belt replacement and setting the timing belt, crankshaft, and camshafts in proper positions.
ATEC 2 - Automotive Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles
( 3.00 - Units )
Automotive Automatic Transmission fundamentals including: Diagnosis, inspection, repair, and adjustment of automatic transmission/transaxle assemblies, torque converters, friction materials, hydraulics, gear trains, manual and electronic controls.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Perform and air pressure leak test on the applicable clutch packs in an automatic transmission.
- Service transmissions; perform visual inspection; replace fluids and filters.
- Check fluid level in a transmission or a transaxle equipped with a dip-stick.
- Measure endplay/pre-load determine necessary action.
ATEC 3 - Automotive Manual Transmissions and Transaxles
( 3.00 - Units )
Automotive Manual Transmission fundamentals including: Theory, diagnosis, repair and adjustment of automotive manual transmissions/transaxles, driveshafts, half shafts, final drives, clutches, viscous couplings, and transfer cases. Two, four and all-wheel drive assemblies, theory, service and repair.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Determine gear ratios for a manual transmission/transaxle, and correctly complete worksheet.
- Measure end play.
- Measure differential ring and pinion back lash.
ATEC 4 - Automotive Suspension and Steering
( 3.00 - Units )
Automotive Suspension and Steering fundamentals including: Diagnosis, inspection, repair, and adjustment of modern automotive steering, suspension, supplemental restraint, tire pressure monitoring, and alignment systems, theory of operation, common automotive steering and suspension systems, wheel alignment principles, methods of diagnosis, adjustment and repair, suspension service equipment.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Repair tire using internal patch
- Dismount, inspect, and remount tire on wheel; balance wheel and tire assembly (static and dynamic).
- Perform pre-alignment inspection and measure vehicle ride height; determine necessary action
ATEC 5 - Automotive Braking Systems
( 3.00 - Units )
Automotive Braking Systems including: Diagnosis, inspection, repair, and adjustment of modern automotive brakes and anti-lock braking systems, traction control, and dynamic stability control systems, theory of operation, the study of basic laws of hydraulics, brake service equipment.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Bleed and/or flush brake system.
- Remove, clean, inspect, and measure brake drum diameter; determine necessary action.
- Remove and clean caliper assembly; inspect for leaks and damage/wear to caliper housing; determine necessary action.
ATEC 6A - Automotive Electrical and Electronic Fundamentals
( 4.00 - Units )
Automotive Electrical and Electronic Fundamentals including: Ohm's Law, basic electrical circuits, components, battery, starting, charging, and basic wiring systems, electrical components and the use of basic wiring diagrams for trouble shooting systems, repair of wiring circuits and correct use of diagnostic equipment.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Demonstrate the proper use of a digital multimeter (DMM) during diagnosis of electrical circuit problems, including: source voltage, voltage drop, current flow, and resistance. Activities to show learning: 1. Proper settings and use of DMM to measure resistance.
- Students shall be able to analyze and diagnose an automotive Charging system using appropriate electrical tools and equipment
- Students shall be able to analyze and diagnose an automotive starting system using appropriate electrical tools and equipment
- Students shall be able to analyze and diagnose an automotive battery using appropriate electrical tools and equipment
ATEC 6B - Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems
( 3.00 - Units )
Automotive body electronics, vehicle lighting, instrumentation, OEM audio, navigation, and communication systems, supplemental restraint systems, starter interlock systems, computer controlled charging systems.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Test the CAN bus system signal with a DSO. Set up the DSO to capture the CAN hi (+) and CAN lo (-) signals.
- Test a computer controlled charging system for proper operation using a DSO. Check and record the signal on a DSO from the PCM to the generator.
- Check a variable speed blower control system for proper operation using a DSO. Check and record the HZ signal from the control head to the blower module.
ATEC 7 - Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning Systems
( 2.50 - Units )
Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning including: Diagnosis, testing, adjustment, and repair of air conditioning, cooling and heating systems, heat and energy, air flow, refrigerant recycling, equipment and controls.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Check system for sealant.
- Recover refrigerant, pull a vacuum on the system, leak test, add oil, and re-charge system.
- Identify refrigerant types; select and connect proper gauge set; record pressure readings.
ATEC 8 - Automotive Air and Fuel Delivery Systems
( 4.00 - Units )
Automotive Air and Fuel Delivery including: Introduction to the principles of automotive fuel induction systems, including the inspection, diagnosis, and evaluation of fuel storage, fuel pumps, carburetion, intake and exhaust systems, engine operation principles, computerized engine controls, and fuel injection systems.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students shall be able to use a Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) or graphing multimeter (GMM) to obtain a fuel injector voltage and amperage wave form, analyze the wave form and explain what the pattern means.
- Test an electric fuel pump for Operating Pressure, Volume, and Rest/Residual pressure.
- Test a Fuel pump with DSO for operating current and calculate pump RPM.
ATEC 10 - Automotive Advanced Engine Performance
( 3.00 - Units )
Automotive Engine Management Systems including: Ignition systems, combustion process, emission control devices, diagnostic practices for drivability, emissions, on board diagnostic systems, vehicle systems integration, and new engine technology.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Using a DSO, perform a wave form analysis of a fuel injector.
ATEC 11 - Advanced Diagnosis
( 4.00 - Units )
This course will provide high-level theoretical training and advanced diagnostic techniques. The class will use advanced diagnostics tools and testing methods to increase technician's efficiency and accuracy. Additionally, the course will cover Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen technology to prepare students to work on European automotive technology. Instructor approval must be obtained prior to enrollment.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- apply advanced diagnosis techniques to resolve electronic control problems and isolate mechanical faults in engines, transmissions, driveline, body, and chassis components,
- use high-level diagnostic equipment to isolate complicated electrical, electronic, and mechanical problems and gain proficiency using specialized software and tools to perform advanced measurements.
- obtain a deeper theoretical and applied understanding of automotive technology and the diagnostic process, and learn how to baseline systems to develop a focused diagnosis strategy.
ATEC 50 - Introduction to Automotive Technology
( 3.00 - Units )
Automotive industry fundamentals including careers; safety; fasteners, hand tool identification and usage; vehicle systems, electrical fundamentals; service information access and use; automotive chemical and fluid applications; hazardous waste handling; general shop equipment usage, and vehicle servicing.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Successfully Pass the SP2 Safety & Pollution Prevention online programs & tests.
- Demonstrate the correct procedures to safely lift a car on the two post automotive lift.
- Look up service data/information for a specified vehicle or vehicle system as indicated by the instructor
ATEC 52 - Automotive Career Exploration
( 1.00 - Units )
Researching current career pathways related to the automotive industry including job opportunities, salary expectations, and training expectations.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Complete a resume
ATEC 75 - Automotive Service Consultant
( 3.00 - Units )
Automotive Service Consultant fundamentals including: Communications, customer service, legal documents, business interactions, billing, parts and labor guides, shop management applications, shop operations, sales, vehicle identification and systems operations. Course content is aligned with tasks identified by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- demonstrate the ability to generate a repair order to BAR specifications;
- demonstrate the ability to properly invoice service repair orders;
- demonstrate the ability to collect the appropriate service information, special tools and/or equipment and perform a disconnection of the hybrid vehicle high voltage system.
ATEC 80 - California Emissions Testing Technician Training Course
( 7.50 - Units )
Motor vehicle emission inspection and maintenance: Includes the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) requirements for: BAR Specified Diagnostic and Repair Training, Level 1, Level 2. Other requirements may be necessary, reference the California Bureau of Automotive Repair for full requirements.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students will perform three (3) smog inspections correctly identifying emission control components, performing functional tests, and correctly entering information into the state analyzer.
- Students will perform three (3) Exhaust Gas Re-circulation (EGR) system tests to identify functional or non-functional systems using published test procedures.
- Students will perform three (3) ignition timing tests following published test procedures.
ATEC 92 - Advanced Drivers Assistance Systems
( 3.00 - Units )
This course introduces students to the Advanced Drivers Assistance Systems (ADAS) utilized in vehicles. This technology is also the foundation for autonomous vehicles. This course will cover the various Advanced Drivers Assistance Systems (ADAS), exploring system operation, diagnosis, service, repairs, and calibration.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Demonstrate the calibration process for an ADAS system
- Demonstrate a scope capture of a BUS signal
- Access and interpret module data on an ADAS system
ATEC 93 - New Vehicle Technologies
( 3.00 - Units )
This course will introduce students to new vehicle technologies; including enhanced vehicle connectivity, vehicle electronics, and programming. The course will cover the operation, application, and practical experiences with these systems, and vehicle diagnostics, including electrical and mechanical.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Demonstrate proper vehicle preparation for programming.
- Demonstrate applicable electrical system testing.
- Perform mechanical systems diagnosis.
ATEC 94 - Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
( 4.50 - Units )
Study of Hybrid and Electric Vehicle architecture, operation, diagnosis, service and repair processes. This course prepares students for the electrification portion of ASE L3 certification exam. Students who have previously completed ATEC 90/91, ATEC 290/91, APAU 9750/9751 do not need to take this course.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Demonstrate the ability to collect the appropriate service information, special tools and/or equipment and perform HV system component removal and testing.
- Obtain HV battery data utilizing the appropriate scan tool(s), and interpret the data.
- Demonstrate the proper method(s) to perform a glove check.
ATEC 201 - Automotive Engines
( Units )
Automotive engine fundamentals including; configurations and designs, operation, diagnostic tests; disassembly, inspection, thread repair, broken bolt removal, precision measurement, assembly, timing chains and belts, valve adjustments, cooling systems, introduction to engine machining, proper use of shop related tools and equipment, and safety practices. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- demonstrate proper use of an outside micrometer to measure valve stem wear;
- demonstrate proper use of a straight edge to measure cylinder head for warpage;
- demonstrate the proper steps for performing a timing belt replacement and setting the timing belt, crankshaft, and camshafts in proper positions.
ATEC 202 - Automotive Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles
( Units )
Automotive Automatic Transmission fundamentals including: Diagnosis, inspection, repair, and adjustment of automatic transmission/transaxle assemblies, torque converters, friction materials, hydraulics, gear trains, manual and electronic controls. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- perform and air pressure leak test on the applicable clutch packs in an automatic transmission;
- service transmissions; perform visual inspection; replace fluids and filters;
- check fluid level in a transmission or a transaxle equipped with a dip-stick;
- measure endplay/pre-load determine necessary action.
ATEC 203 - Automotive Manual Transmissions and Transaxles
( Units )
Automotive Manual Transmission fundamentals including: Theory, diagnosis, repair and adjustment of automotive manual transmissions/transaxles, driveshafts, half shafts, final drives, clutches, viscous couplings, and transfer cases. Two, four and all-wheel drive assemblies, theory, service and repair. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- determine gear ratios for a manual transmission/transaxle, and correctly complete worksheet;
- measure end play;
- measure differential ring and pinion back lash.
ATEC 204 - Automotive Suspension and Steering
( Units )
Automotive Suspension and Steering fundamentals including: Diagnosis, inspection, repair, and adjustment of modern automotive steering, suspension, supplemental restraint, tire pressure monitoring, and alignment systems, theory of operation, common automotive steering and suspension systems, wheel alignment principles, methods of diagnosis, adjustment and repair, suspension service equipment. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- repair tire using internal patch;
- dismount, inspect, and remount tire on wheel; balance wheel and tire assembly (static and dynamic);
- perform pre-alignment inspection and measure vehicle ride height; determine necessary action.
ATEC 205 - Automotive Braking Systems
( Units )
Automotive Braking Systems including: Diagnosis, inspection, repair, and adjustment of modern automotive brakes and anti-lock braking systems, traction control, and dynamic stability control systems, theory of operation, the study of basic laws of hydraulics, brake service equipment. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- bleed and/or flush brake system;
- remove, clean, inspect, and measure brake drum diameter; determine necessary action;
- remove and clean caliper assembly; inspect for leaks and damage/wear to caliper housing; determine necessary action.
ATEC 206B - Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems
( Units )
Automotive body electronics, vehicle lighting, instrumentation, OEM audio, navigation, and communication systems, supplemental restraint systems, starter interlock systems, computer controlled charging systems. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- test the CAN bus system signal with a DSO. Set up the DSO to capture the CAN hi (+) and CAN lo (-) signals;
- test a computer controlled charging system for proper operation using a DSO. Check and record the signal on a DSO from the PCM to the generator;
- check a variable speed blower control system for proper operation using a DSO. Check and record the HZ signal from the control head to the blower module.
ATEC 206A - Automotive Electrical and Electronic Fundamentals
( Units )
Automotive Electrical and Electronic Fundamentals including: Ohm's Law, basic electrical circuits, components, battery, starting, charging, and basic wiring systems, electrical components and the use of basic wiring diagrams for trouble shooting systems, repair of wiring circuits and correct use of diagnostic equipment. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- demonstrate the proper use of a digital multimeter (DMM) during diagnosis of electrical circuit problems, including: source voltage, voltage drop, current flow, and resistance;
- analyze and diagnose an automotive Charging system using appropriate electrical tools and equipment;
- analyze and diagnose an automotive starting system using appropriate electrical tools and equipment;
- analyze and diagnose an automotive battery using appropriate electrical tools and equipment.
ATEC 207 - Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning Systems
( Units )
Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning including: Diagnosis, testing, adjustment, and repair of air conditioning, cooling and heating systems, heat and energy, air flow, refrigerant recycling, equipment and controls. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- check system for sealant;
- recover refrigerant, pull a vacuum on the system, leak test, add oil, and re-charge system;
- identify refrigerant types; select and connect proper gauge set; record pressure readings.
ATEC 208 - Automotive Air and Fuel Delivery Systems
( Units )
Automotive Air and Fuel Delivery including: Introduction to the principles of automotive fuel induction systems, including the inspection, diagnosis, and evaluation of fuel storage, fuel pumps, carburetion, intake and exhaust systems, engine operation principles, computerized engine controls, and fuel injection systems. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- use a Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) or graphing multimeter (GMM) to obtain a fuel injector voltage and amperage wave form, analyze the wave form and explain what the pattern means;
- test an electric fuel pump for Operating Pressure, Volume, and Rest/Residual pressure;
- test a Fuel pump with DSO for operating current and calculate pump RPM.
ATEC 210 - Automotive Advanced Engine Performance
( Units )
Automotive Engine Management Systems including: Ignition systems, combustion process, emission control devices, diagnostic practices for drivability, emissions, on board diagnostic systems, vehicle systems integration, and new engine technology. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- using a DSO, perform a wave form analysis of a fuel injector;
- test and analyze ignition patterns using appropriate test equipment;
- test a vehicles exhaust gas emissions using the Emissions Information System (Smog machine/exhaust gas analyzer). Using the lambda chart, calculate the air fuel ratio.
ATEC 250 - Introduction to Automotive Technology
( Units )
Automotive industry fundamentals including careers, safety, fasteners, hand tool identification and usage, vehicle systems, electrical fundamentals, service information access and use, automotive chemical and fluid applications, hazardous waste handling, general shop equipment usage, and vehicle servicing. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- successfully Pass the SP2 Safety & Pollution Prevention online programs & tests;
- demonstrate the correct procedures to safely lift a car on the two post automotive lift;
- look up service data/information for a specified vehicle or vehicle system as indicated by the instructor.
ATEC 251 - Engine Repair ASE Prep (A1)
( Units )
The ASE Engine Repair Certification Prep course (A1) will provide automotive students and existing industry technicians with an opportunity to prepare for industry standardized Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification in the most common automotive related subject areas. Automotive students are encouraged to enroll in the applicable ASE prep-course in conjunction with their current ATEC courses. This noncredit course is part of a noncredit certificate of completion in ASE Test Prep for Automotive. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students will successfully pass an ASE style exam associated to the topic.
ATEC 252 - Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles ASE Prep (A2)
( Units )
The ASE Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles Certification Prep course (A2) will provide automotive students and existing industry technicians with an opportunity to prepare for industry standardized Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification in the most common automotive related subject areas. Automotive students are encouraged to enroll in the applicable ASE prep-course in conjunction with their current ATEC courses. This noncredit course is part of a noncredit certificate of completion in ASE Test Prep for Automotive. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students will successfully pass an ASE style exam associated to the topic.
ATEC 253 - Manual Transmissions and Transaxles ASE Prep (A3)
( Units )
The ASE Manual Transmissions and Transaxles Certification Prep course (A3) will provide automotive students and existing industry technicians with an opportunity to prepare for industry standardized Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification in the most common automotive related subject areas. Automotive students are encouraged to enroll in the applicable ASE prep-course in conjunction with their current ATEC courses. This noncredit course is part of a noncredit certificate of completion in ASE Test Prep for Automotive. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students will successfully pass an ASE style exam associated to the topic.
ATEC 254 - Suspension and Steering ASE Prep (A4)
( Units )
The ASE Suspension and Steering Prep course (A4) will provide automotive students and existing industry technicians with an opportunity to prepare for industry standardized Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification in the most common automotive related subject areas. Automotive students are encouraged to enroll in the applicable ASE prep-course in conjunction with their current ATEC courses. This noncredit course is part of a noncredit certificate of completion in ASE Test Prep for Automotive. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students will successfully pass an ASE style exam associated to the topic.
ATEC 255 - Braking Systems ASE Prep (A5)
( Units )
The ASE Braking Systems Certification Prep course (A5) will provide automotive students and existing industry technicians with an opportunity to prepare for industry standardized Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification in the most common automotive related subject areas. Automotive students are encouraged to enroll in the applicable ASE prep-course in conjunction with their current ATEC courses. This noncredit course is part of a noncredit certificate of completion in ASE Test Prep for Automotive. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students will successfully pass an ASE style exam associated to the topic.
ATEC 256 - Automotive Electrical ASE Prep (A6)
( Units )
The ASE Automotive Electrical Certification Prep course (A6) will provide automotive students and existing industry technicians with an opportunity to prepare for industry standardized Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification in the most common automotive related subject areas. Automotive students are encouraged to enroll in the applicable ASE prep-course in conjunction with their current ATEC courses. This noncredit course is part of a noncredit certificate of completion in ASE Test Prep for Automotive. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students will successfully pass an ASE style exam associated to the topic.
ATEC 257 - Heating and Air Conditioning ASE Prep (A7)
( Units )
The ASE Heating and Air Conditioning Certification Prep course (A7) will provide automotive students and existing industry technicians with an opportunity to prepare for industry standardized Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification in the most common automotive related subject areas. Automotive students are encouraged to enroll in the applicable ASE prep-course in conjunction with their current ATEC courses. This noncredit course is part of a noncredit certificate of completion in ASE Test Prep for Automotive. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students will successfully pass an ASE style exam associated to the topic
ATEC 258 - Air and Fuel Delivery Systems ASE Prep (A8)
( Units )
The ASE Air and Fuel Delivery Systems Certification Prep course (A8) will provide automotive students and existing industry technicians with an opportunity to prepare for industry standardized Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification in the most common automotive related subject areas. Automotive students are encouraged to enroll in the applicable ASE prep-course in conjunction with their current ATEC courses. This noncredit course is part of a noncredit certificate of completion in ASE Test Prep for Automotive. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students will successfully pass an ASE style exam associated to the topic.
ATEC 260 - Advanced Engine Performance ASE Prep (L1)
( Units )
The ASE Advanced Engine Performance Certification Prep course (L1) will provide automotive students and existing industry technicians with an opportunity to prepare for industry standardized Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification in the most common automotive related subject areas. Automotive students are encouraged to enroll in the applicable ASE prep-course in conjunction with their current ATEC courses. This noncredit course is part of a noncredit certificate of completion in ASE Test Prep for Automotive. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students will successfully pass an ASE style exam associated to the topic.
ATEC 270 - Automotive Service Consultant
( Units )
Automotive Service Consultant fundamentals including: Communications, customer service, legal documents, business interactions, billing, parts and labor guides, shop management applications, shop operations, sales, vehicle identification and systems operations. Course content is aligned with tasks identified by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- demonstrate the ability to generate a repair order to BAR specifications;
- demonstrate the ability to properly invoice service repair orders;
- demonstrate the ability to collect the appropriate service information
ATEC 275 - Service Consultant ASE Prep (C1)
( Units )
The ASE Service Consultant Certification Prep course (C1) will provide automotive students and existing industry technicians with an opportunity to prepare for industry standardized Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification in the most common automotive related subject areas. Automotive students are encouraged to enroll in the applicable ASE prep-course in conjunction with their current ATEC courses. This noncredit course is part of a noncredit certificate of completion in ASE Test Prep for Automotive. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students will successfully pass an ASE style exam associated to the topic.
ATEC 292 - Advanced Drivers Assistance Systems
( Units )
This course introduces students to the Advanced Drivers Assistance Systems (ADAS) utilized in vehicles. This technology is also the foundation for autonomous vehicles. This course will cover the various Advanced Drivers Assistance Systems (ADAS), exploring system operation, diagnosis, service, repairs, and calibration. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- demonstrate the calibration process for an ADAS system;
- demonstrate a scope capture of a BUS signal;
- access and interpret module data on an ADAS system.
ATEC 293 - New Vehicle Technologies
( Units )
This course will introduce students to new vehicle technologies; including enhanced vehicle connectivity, vehicle electronics, and programming. The course will cover the operation, application, and practical experiences with these systems, and vehicle diagnostics, including electrical and mechanical. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- demonstrate proper vehicle preparation for programming;
- demonstrate applicable electrical system testing;
- perform mechanical systems diagnosis.
ATEC 294 - Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
( Units )
Study of Hybrid and Electric Vehicle architecture, operation, diagnosis, service and repair processes.
This course prepares students for the electrification portion of ASE L3 certification exam. Students who
have previously completed ATEC 90/91, ATEC 290/91, APAU 9750/9751 do not need to take this course.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Demonstrate the ability to collect the appropriate service information, special tools and/or equipment and perform HV system component removal and testing.
- Obtain HV battery data utilizing the appropriate scan tool(s), and interpret the data.
- Demonstrate the proper method(s) to perform a glove check