ECD Lab School
The purpose of the ECD Lab School is to provide a safe, supportive and nurturing environment that promotes the development of the "total child," meeting the physical, social, emotional and cognitive needs of the child while responding to the needs of the family.
We believe that each child is a unique person with individual patterns and timing of growth and development as well as individual learning style and family background. Children learn through active exploration and interacting with materials, ideas and people. As individuals with human rights, children need the opportunity to make choices freely from a variety of learning areas.
Children need to explore and learn about the environment, exercise their natural curiosity, and experiment with cause and effect relationship. These experiences are to match the child's development abilities while also challenging the child's interest and understanding.
The program is staffed by ECD Specialists and assistants who have a clear understanding of child development needs and practices. Staff members demonstrate positive attitudes about the cultural values, expectations and child rearing practices of the families.
Learning cannot be accomplished for the children. Staff members facilitate, encourage and support the children by preparing an attractive environment that provides stimulating and challenging material and activities that are culturally and developmentally appropriate.
Family is the primary influence on a child’s growth and development. Cooperation between parents and staff is essential and must be nurtured and maintained in order to produce more effective outcomes for the children.
We believe staff members who enjoy and care about their work are able to work more cooperatively and effectively. There will be less turnover of staff who are given optimum salaries and fringe benefits and who are treated with respect and encouragement and given opportunities for professional growth.
Observations and tours of the ECD Lab School are given upon request. For enrollment information call 510-723-6684.
Contact Us
Phone: 510.723.6684
Fax: 510.723.7292
M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm
Family Resource Coordinator
Dr. Robert (Bobby) Nakamoto
Acting Program Director
Dean, Social Sciences