Political Science 1: Introduction to American Government (3 Units)
Introduction to the historical development and current structure of American political
ideals and institutions, including the Federal and California Constitutions, civil
liberties and civil rights, political parties, campaigns and elections and citizenship
Political Science 10: Seminar in Comparative Politics (3 Units)
General introduction to a major subfield of comparative politics, or intensive exploration
of a contemporary theme, topic or region.
Political Science 12: Introduction to California State and Local Government (3 Units)
Organization and operation of government politics and the state, county and municipal
level; emphasis on current issues and the influence of historical, geographical, political,
economic and social factors on California public policy.
Political Science 20: Comparative Politics (3 units)
Introduces basic concepts and methods of comparative analysis. Covers contemporary
forms of governments and institutions; survey of political regimes and political problems
of selected governments.
Political Science 25: Political Theory (3 units)
An introduction to various theoretical approaches to politics, including selected
political thinkers from ancient times to the present, and the application of political
theory to current political realities.
Political Science 30: International Relations (3 Units)
An introduction to international politics, theories, and global institutions, focusing
on international actors and their interactions with one another. Emphasis on current
Political Science 45: Law and Democracy (3 units)
This course is an interdisciplinary exploration of themes such as equality, citizenship,
participation, access, and social justice. We will look critically at how law structures
as well as limits democracy and examine the idea of democracy as a universal value. Prerequisite: ADMJ 50 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) or, POSC 1 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher).