Integrated Planning Calendar (Draft)
PAR Committee
Program & Area Review
Previous Committees
Draft 2: 8/10/17
Program and Area Review:
- 8/15: Preview goals, timeline, process.
- 8/18: Committees begin Committee Reviews
- 9/5 FLEX Day: More in-depth review of forms, timeline training in a general session. Workshops to train on both technology and how to address reflective questions. App goes live.
- 9/29: Committee Reviews due.
- 10/6: Distill committee reviews and provide feedback.
- 10/6: Program and Area Reviews due
- 10/13: Deans and Area Manager feedback on Program and Area Reviews complete
- 10/20: Final reviews submitted
- 10/27: Dean and Area Manager Reviews submitted
- 10/20-11/3: Program and Area Review reading groups convene
- 11/6: Call for proposals for “true program review” and “process review” inquiry groups for Spring 18
- 11/6: Program Review synthesis meeting and draft of synthesis statements
- 11/8: Synthesis statements reviewed and approved by PRAC
- 12/8: Resource allocation requests sent to appropriate committees with synthesis statements (earlier, as needed for Faculty Prioritization)
- 12/8: Formation of “true program review” and “process review” groups, with timelines for Spring
- Spring 18:
- Work on next year’s Program and Area Review:
- Start of semester: College-wide communication on Program and Area Review results, how/where to view those, integrated resource requests and next steps
- Decision about how and when and if to integrate with CurricuNET
- New “status quo” forms for next year
- Survey/revisions to improve the process and “close the loop” on resource allocation requests
- Pilot “true program review” and “process review”. Assess results, plans for improvement, and determine next steps for Fall 18.
- Work on next year’s Program and Area Review:
Resource Allocation:
- 11/29: PRAC finalizes resource allocation rubrics and recommendation forms
- 12/8: Committees receive resource requests, synthesis statements, resource allocation rubrics, recommendation forms
- 3/19: Committees (FIT, PD, IST, SASE) submit preliminary prioritized resource requests to PRAC
- 5/2: Preliminary resource allocations for 2018-19 recommended to President (we need to determine how to do this in conjunction with the Senates for IST)