Active Members

For students actively working towards their AGS Membership notation, below are "quick info" and commonly used forms. 

Enrollment Form (Word, 1 page) - Turn in to advisor each semester of membership 

Points Submission Form (PDF, 1 page) - Complete and turn this form in to the club's Vice President in order for your points to be counted. Be sure to attach necessary verification forms, reciepts, etc. and submit by the respective due dates set by the Vice President.

Points Verification Form (PDF, 1 page) - If the organization you are working with does not have a verification letter, please use this form. Attach this completed form to your Points Submission Form.

On-Going Service Form (PDF, 1 page) - Use this form for volunteer service you are doing regularly (such as weekly) when the organization does not provide volunteers with a verification letter. Attach this completed form to your Points Submission Form.

Executive Officer Nomination Form (MS Word, 2 pages) - When there are vacancies within the executive leadership board, use this form to express your nomination to the election process. Turn this form in to the designated officer by the deadline mentioned in the meeting. Note: In order to comply with the Student Life club officer guidelines and AGS, officers must meet the following criteria: (1) you must be enrolled in at least 5 units at Chabot and (2) you must have a current GPA of 3.0 or higher. If you have any questions about your eligibility, please contact the advisor directly.

Please be aware that there is a deadline for membership each semester which falls on the Thursday of the 12th week of the semester. By this date, it's expected that your enrollment form, transcript, and membership fee will have been received.

Prospective and returning members who do not submit materials in time, may continue participating in club activities after this date, but may not be eligible for official membership for that semester if their criteria is not fulfilled before the last day of instruction. Contact the advisor directly for any inquiries or concerns.

  • Fall 2022 membership: Nov. 3, 2022
  • Spring 2023 membership: April 6, 2023

There is no minimum or maximum number of semesters you can participate in the AGS Honor Society.

Every semester that you wish to be active in AGS, you will need to repeat the entire membership process: fill out an enrollment form and pay your membership dues, as well as fulfill the other membership criteria such as earn 20 service points.

Please note that

Once a member is added into the AGS Canvas, you are welcome to stay in it for Fall + Spring. 

AGS Canvas goes through updates during the summer months and all members are removed from the shell. All new and returning members can request to be included in Canvas at the start of the Fall term. This website is where you can find updates (if any) or relevant information during that transition period.

To join the AGS Canvas:

  • Using your Chabot Zonemail, email the advisor at
  • In the subject heading of the email, please include: "AGS Canvas"

In the body of the email, copy, paste and complete the following information:

  • I'd like to join the AGS Canvas.
  • My full name and W#:
  • My GPA is:
  • I'll upload my Enrollment Form and unofficial Chabot Transcripts into Canvas within 2 weeks.


The club is not typically active during the summer. 

Club officers participate in leadership activities throughout the summer. Sometimes from their work they may opt to host a summer social or Membership Orientation. If that opportunity is available, it will be posted on the club's social media and the landing page of our website.

Also, the AGS Sigma Rho Bylaws (PF) and the Sigma Rho Member Handbook (PDF) are great resources that shares more detailed information about our chapter. The Bylaws are the document which outline club procedures. The handbook was created to address commonly asked questions. Members are expected to be familiar with the content of both documents.

Our chapter operates between guidelines of the Alpha Gamma Sigma, Inc. organization and by Chabot College's Student Life Office.

...... AGS, Inc statewide organization website:

...... Chabot Student Life website: