Career Counseling
Are you wondering What career is right for me?
We can help you assess your career options with:
- Different career assessments. For a fee, you can take these assessments and your Counselor will review the results with you.
- The Career & Educational Planning (PSCN 10) course.
Additional information and resources are available at the Career Center.
Free resources for students:
College Central Network (CCN) provides access to hundreds of jobs, post your resumes and resources to improve your skills in interviews, resume building, career advice and more.
Learn about your career options through assessments, job listings, information on financial aid, universities, job outlook and more.
- Eureka Students can get a site id code for free access from the Transfer Center.
- California Career Zone
- What Can I Do with This Major?
- What Can I Do With a Degree In...?
- Explore your career interest
- Career Destinations Survey Report
- Career Advice by
Job Research & Labor Market
Hundreds of occupations are described using skills, knowledge, interests, and activities, worker characteristics and occupational experience. It also gives occupation specific tasks, job outlooks and salary ranges.
Career Guides
Health Professions
Helping Professions
Teaching Careers
- Victor Valley College Teaching Pathways Guide
- California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Access all of California’s credentialing requirements, online credential handbook and a list of all accredited teacher preparation schools and universities in California.
- California Center for Teaching Careers CalTeach is an information, recruitment, and referral center for individuals interested in a teaching career in the state of California.
- TEACH California
- Military Career Guide Online, U.S. Government Defense Learn about the U.S. Armed Services and all of it’s opportunities.
- U.S. Army
- U.S. Navy
- U.S. Air Force
- U.S. Marine Corps
- U.S. Coast Guard