Contact Us
When to call
- For emergencies, call 911. This is not a crisis counseling line.
- During the first two weeks of every semester and peak registration, there will be significant delays in responding to calls. Otherwise, most phone messages will be returned in a minumum of 1-2 instructional days.
You can call counseling to:
- Get general and procedural information.
- Check for available same-day counseling appointment due to cancellation. However, for faster response, it is highly recommended for you to come in-person 8:30am-9:30am to check.
For additional questions and information, connect with a counselor or peer guide.
When to email
- For emergencies, call 911. This is not for crisis counseling.
- During the first two weeks of every semester and peak registration, there will be significant delays in responding to emails. Otherwise, most email responses will take a minumum of 1-2 instructional days.
You can email counseling to:
- Get general and procedural information.
For additional questions and information, connect with a counselor or peer guide.