SLO Policy

Outcomes and Assessment Committee Assessment Policy

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

The OAC (Outcomes and Assessment Committee) and the Office of Academic Services approved the following policies for academic courses:

  1. All active courses must be assessed at least once every three years unless an active course has not been offered during the past three years, then it is exempt from assessment until it is next offered. At that time, it must be assessed. 

  2. When a course is assessed, all SLOs for that course are assessed within that scheduled semester. 

  3. For credit courses with 0 to 1 unit, a minimum of 1 SLO is required.
    • For credit courses with more than 1 unit but less than 3 units, a minimum of 2 SLO’s are required.
    • For credit courses with 3 or more units, a minimum of 3 SLO’s are required.
    • For noncredit courses with 35 hours or less, a minimum of 1 SLO is required.
    • For noncredit courses with 36 to 53 hours, a minimum of 2 SLOs are required.
    • For noncredit courses with 54 hours or more, a minimum of 3 SLOs are required.

  4. For courses with 1-2 sections, all sections need to be assessed except for courses with less than 10 students. For courses with 3 or more sections, at least 50% of sections need to be assessed.

  5. Of the sections assessed, faculty will assess sections that represent these variations: Day/evening, Full-time/Part-time faculty, day of the week, time of the day, on campus vs. off campus, Online, or hybrid, full semester or late start courses.

  6. Courses that are leveled or cross-listed may be assessed together in an assessment period if the courses share the same SLOs. Please see the SLO how-to page for instructions on how to document leveled and cross-listed courses in Curricunet. 

  7. All Full-time instructors teaching a full-load, shall assess a minimum of two sections every assessment cycle.

  8. Part-time instructors who need to assess their sections in a given semester will be contacted at the beginning of that semester by the division Dean or their designee(s), and offered support by their division OAC representative/s.

  9. Each SLO shall be mapped to a minimum of one Institutional Learning Outcome (ILO).

Developed 3/2010; revised 10/2011, 11/2019.