DSPS Faculty Resources - Information Resources


Suggested Syllabus Accessibility Statement

A suggested syllabus accessibility statement jointly-created by Chabot Student Services and Academic Services

Copyright Laws / Legitimate Book Sources 

A brief DSPS PowerPoint presentation on Copyright laws / language and discussion of legitimate book sources.

OER / ZTC Books

A Chabot presentation on OER / ZTC book sources and where to find them.

CCC Accessibility Center

State Chancellor funded web resource to understand needs, promote awareness, and address best practices in terms of web and document accessibility.

ADA information regarding service animals
 Breakdown of the rights of service animals, where they are allowed, and what is required.

Differences between high school and college: IDEA vs ADA
 A table outlining the things that are the same and that are different when transitioning to college.

Chabot CARES Red Folder

Mental Health tools and resources to help facilitate assisting students in mental distress