

Recommended Courses

This recommendation is based on the classes accepted for transfer by California State Colleges and Universities. These courses are designed to satisfy lower-division major requirements at four-year institutions. Variations in requirements exist at specific universities or for specific programs. Therefore, it is essential that students refer to catalogs of proposed universities and consult counselors and architecture faculty as they prepare their programs. The classes listed represent a minimum for most schools; additional courses will improve level of preparation. This recommended course list assumes high school preparation including Trigonometry, Pre-calculus Mathematics, Physics, Art, and English.

Freshman Year Courses


Architecture 2A (Architectural Graphics in Drawing and Sketching) 3
Architecture 3 (Digital Tools for Design & Visual Communication) 3
Mathematics 1 (Calculus I) 5
Architecture 2B (Architectural in Color Rendering) 3
Architecture 33 (Digital Communication & Modeling) 3
Architecture 14 (California Architecture and Urban Design) 3


Sophmore Year Courses


 Architecture 4A (Architectural Drafting Principles I) 3
Architecture 8A (Fundamentals of Architectural Design I)
Architecture 12 (Building Construction Materials and Methods)
Physics 3A (College Physics A)
Architecture 4B (Architectural Drafting Principles II)
Architecture 8B (Fundamentals of Architectural Design II)
Architecture 16 (People and Environmental Design)

Total Units of both years: 44