Course Descriptions

ESL 110A - High-Beginning Reading and Writing

ESL 110A is the first class in the ESL 110 series and is open to new students. It is a high-beginning/low intermediate ESL class. This means it is designed for students who have already studied English at the basic level. If you are a beginning ESL student, it is a good idea to take adult school ESL classes and finish the most advanced course before you take ESL 110A. In ESL 110A, students study reading, writing, and grammar. They do writing assignments, read short stories, articles, and a short novel, and practice ESL grammar. The class meets for six hours every week; there is usually a lot of homework. (6 units)

ESL 110B - Intermediate Reading and Writing

ESL 110B is the second class in the ESL 110 series. It is an intermediate ESL class. In order to take ESL 110B, you must have either taken ESL 110A or been placed into ESL 110B through the placement test. ESL 110B is similar to ESL 110A, but in ESL 110B students read longer, more difficult stories and articles, write longer papers, and study more advanced ESL grammar. They also read a novel. Like ESL 110A, ESL 110B meets for six hours every week, and there is usually a lot of homework. (6 units)

ESL 110C - High-Intermediate Reading and Writing

ESL 110C is the third class in the ESL 110 series. It is a high-intermediate ESL class. In order to take ESL 110C, you must have taken either ESL 110B or been placed into ESL 110C through the placement test. In ESL 110C students read a wide variety of stories and articles from newspapers, magazines, and textbooks; students also read a novel. Students also learn how to write academic compositions. The grammar that students study in 110C includes noun clauses, adjective clauses, verbal phrases, the passive voice, and other structures. This class meets six hours a week, and there is a lot of homework. (6 units)

ESL 110D - Advanced Reading and Writing

ESL 110D is the last class in the ESL 110 series. It is an advanced ESL course. In order to take ESL 110D you must have taken either ESL 110C or been placed into ESL 110D through the placement test. In ESL 110D, students do a lot of academic reading. As in the other ESL 110 classes, they also read a novel. They write longer compositions on more abstract and difficult topics. The grammar studied in 110D includes adverb clauses and other methods of subordination, conditional sentences, as well as restrictive and nonrestrictive phrases and adjective clauses. This class meets six hours a week, and there is a lot of homework. (6 units)

ESL 111A - Pronunciation

ESL 111A is a speaking and listening class and is open to all students. In this class you will practice understanding spoken English and using spoken English. This class will help you speak more clearly. If you want to feel more comfortable speaking English at school, in your community, or at your job, this is a very good class to take. There is some homework. If you want, you can also register for ESL 127 concurrently and get extra practice in the Language Center. (2 units)

ESL 111B - Academic Listening and Speaking

ESL 111B is an academic listening and speaking class and is open to all students. However, it is more advanced than ESL 111A, and it is recommended that you are at a 110C level or higher when you take this class. In this class, students practice listening to lectures in English and taking notes on these lectures. They also prepare and present speeches to the class in English. If you want practice listening to the more academic English you may hear in college classes, this is a good class for you. (2 units)

ESL 112 - English Grammar Review for ESL

ESL 112 reviews important structures in English grammar and gives ESL students the chance to get their questions about English grammar answered. If you already know English grammar pretty well but would like to review some parts, then ESL 112, this fast-paced course, could be a very useful class for you. (3 units)

ESL 114 - Editing for the Advanced ESL Writer

ESL 114 is an advanced ESL editing class. If you want to take this class, it is strongly recommended that you are eligible to take ESL 110C or English 101A through the English assessment process. In this class students practice editing papers to correct common ESL errors. This course also teaches strategies for editing and revising your papers. It is a good class for students who already read and write well in English but who need a little more practice finding and correcting errors in their papers. ESL 114 is a short course that does not last all semester. Check the schedule for the dates and times for the current semester. (2 units)

ESL 108 - Basic Spelling for ESL

In ESL 108 students learn and practice using the basic spelling rules for English. If English spelling is confusing for you, this is a very good class to take. This is a short-term class. Check the current schedule for starting dates and times. (1 unit)

ESL 109 - Vocabulary Skills for ESL

In ESL 109 students improve their language proficiency by learning new vocabulary and developing vocabulary-building skills. (1 unit)

ESL 127 - Pronunciation Lab for ESL

In ESL 127 students get individual practice producing and responding to oral English with emphasis on clear pronunciation through computer-assisted instruction with tutorial support. Your coursework will be completed in the ESL Lab in Room 108. (0.5 unit)

ESL 150 - Guided Skills Lab

ESL 150 is a self-paced lab course where students receive an individualized learning plan for improving their language skills. Students complete all their assignments utilizing the software and resources in the ESL Lab and the Study Room in Room 108. (1.0 unit)

ESL 120, 121, 122, 130 - Writing Workshop for Non-Native Speakers

In the ESL Writing Workshop courses, students work one-on-one with an instructor and highly qualified writing coaches on pre-writing strategies, developing and organizing ideas, and revising their writing. Students also have the opportunity to participate in short writing workshops on various topics. Emphasis in this course is placed on the writing process and individual writing needs. This class is short-term, and meets one day per week for two hours. Strongly recommended: Eligibility for ESL 110B. (0.5 unit)